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January 2015
Project New Hope International E-newsletter

Board Update ~ Don Anderson

One year ago, the PNHI board and team entered 2014 with some apprehension because of the uncertainty caused by losing our new Executive Director who decided to pursue another career. I am glad to report that turned out that 2014 was an excellent year for PNHI. God is good all the time! Here are a few of the 2014 ministry highlights in Peru and Ecuador. 

Ecuador & Peru ~ Mike & Dani   

Not too young to make a difference Miguel is a youth we came to know through youth group. We invited him one day, and he’s been coming ever since. He’s even invited several other youths to join the group. Since we have known him he has really been a good influence on others. He decided to go through the Peace Treaty to learn more about Jesus, and when he completed the 6 lessons he decided to give his life to Christ and was baptized on October 25, 2014! Through his testimony his grandma and uncle also went through the Peace Treaty and were baptized on the same day. Man God is good! Miguel has a very pleasant character and is very approachable. His commitment to Christ shows in his everyday life and others are drawn to him. They want to know the Jesus he knows.
In This Issue
Board Update
Ecuador & Peru

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Project New Hope International
3165 S Alma School Rd
Suite #29-PMB 288
Chandler, AZ 85248-3764


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