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November 2014
Project New Hope International E-newsletter

Missionary Mike Bukta Ordained! 
~ Don Anderson

A few weeks ago, our Elders ordained Mike Bukta, a CCC member and missionary in South America. It has been great to watch the tremendous growth of Mike as a husband, father, evangelist, leader, pastor, and missionary over the past fourteen years. Mike and Danell Bukta have been married for 24 years. They have 2 wonderful teenage daughters; Skylar (18) and Nicole (16). Skylar moved to Colorado last month to begin working and eventually attending Colorado Christian University next year. 

Ecuador & Peru ~ Mike & Dani   

WHAT’S HAPPENING IN PERU This weekend was our very first overnight event. We had games, a bonfire, tents and sleeping bags. This camp was special because it was the first time the kids were responsible for paying their own way. In preparation for the camp the kids organized bingo nights and raffles to raise money. Praise God, they raised enough for the overnight to happen. With the help of some friends ‘back at home’ we were able to purchase enough tents and games for the kids to enjoy their trip. Read more
In This Issue
Board Update
Ecuador & Peru

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Project New Hope International
3165 S Alma School Rd
Suite #29-PMB 288
Chandler, AZ 85248-3764