The goal of Project New Hope is to give hope to the suffering, socially abandoned, economically trapped and spiritually seeking in Santo Domingo, Ecuador, and Trujillo, Peru. PNH works with nationals in the communities, establishing churches to empower the poor to experience personal and community transformation, using the key strategies of Community Health Evangelism (CHE) and Bible storytelling.


A month ago we started an education program to help the kids in the barrio stay in school and be successful in their studies. We didn’t know what to expect, but God is blessing this program. Even though it has been a short time, we are seeing and experiencing God working in changing these kid’s lives. 

Jefferson’s story

Jefferson, a 15-year-old boy, has never received good grades. His mom, Doris, said that he was an awful student who never wanted to go to school; his teachers didn’t even want him in their class. He wasn’t going to go back to school this year because everyone kept telling him that he wasn’t smart. His mom didn’t enjoy going to teacher-parent meetings because the teachers never had anything good to say about her son; all they would say was that he was a bad student with a bad attitude and bad grades.

Doris was nervous to go to the first parent teacher conference this year, but to her pleasant surprise, the teachers praised Jefferson on his attitude and the amazing grades he was getting. They were all astonished! Jefferson participates every day in the program and finally is enjoying going to school.

This is the reason why we started the education center: to help kids be successful in their studies and someday graduate and go to college!  Wouldn’t that be a miracle! Now we have parents in the barrio who want their children to join the education center.

If you would like to be part of changing a child’s future and would like more information contact Mike and Danell Bukta at


We had three men from Pantano Christian Church, Tucson, Arizona, come and show Christ’s love to the people in Ecuador. Here are some thoughts that they would like to share.

“Our small team from Pantano church had an awesome trip visiting Project New Hope. There are so many amazing stories to choose from. Some of the highlights included participating in the Minga, a project with the community to improve one of the local schools. Teaching the self-defense classes was so much fun! Watching everyone learn and interact was great, and I’m sure my broken Spanish added a few extra laughs. Then watching Roger tell them about the Bible was so impactful. We also played a three-hour soccer game after which both teams thought they won. But I think the thing that really made it special was the people, Mike and Dani, their church team and members, and the community as a whole. Everywhere we went we welcomed with hugs, encouragement and food. To be welcomed into people’s homes for peace treaties (Bible studies) and home groups was so Chevere (aka cool).

“We really wanted to be an encouragement to Mike and Dani and all of our brothers and sisters there. But after watching how Christ is working through Project New Hope and their church, Tercer Camino, to disciple, teach, and tell people about the Gospel, we left just as encouraged and excited about what God is doing there. I definitely left with a renewed sense of discipleship and evangelism. I want to say a special thanks to Mike and Dani for welcoming us into your ministry and lives. I am looking forward to the next trip.” – Dan Subra, Pantano Christian Church

“What a great adventure!! From the moment Mike and Dani picked us up at the airport in Quito to the time we landed back in Tucson, we had an incredible experience. We felt the Lord working through Mike and Dani, in the members of the Iglesias Cristiana Tercer Camino, and in each family we visited in the barrios. Whether we were helping dissect a tree with a machete and clearing fields at a school in one of the barrios as part of the “Adopt the Block” program; helping build a house for a family who was displaced due to an earthquake; participating in several ‘Peace Treaty’ Bible studies; or just fellowshipping with our Ecuadorian brothers and sisters during Bible studies and church services, we felt the love of Christ in the service of each participating member. 
“We were very impressed with the servanthood of our Ecuadorian brothers and sisters and the joy that permeated from them as they accomplished their tasks. They made everyone who stepped through the doors of the Iglesias Cristiana Tercer Camino feel wanted and loved. You can tell their hearts are set on serving God and bringing others to know Christ.
“What a blessing it was to worship with, work with, and share time with everyone!! I look forward to returning to worship again with my new extended family and see how God has worked through them to change the community.  
“Investing in prayer, time, and finances for Mike and Dani, Iglesias Cristina Tercer Camino, and Project New Hope is a worthy venture that will undoubtedly produce godly fruit. I can’t wait till we get the chance to go back and share another adventure in Ecuador with our new extended family.” – 
Adam Sullinger, Pantano Christian Church, Tucson, Arizona



Wily has been a Christian for seven years. His Christian life has not been easy but he has persevered. His mother, father and two younger brothers all have finally accepted Christ. Wily has been volunteering his time to do God’s work in Trujillo since he became a believer. He is a sculptor by profession, but now he is a missionary for the Lord. He is growing God’s Kingdom with the help of his mother Maria, a very active woman and the woman of peace in her barrio, Alto Trujillo 3B.  

Despite the challenges they have in their community, their priority is to evangelize and disciple believers. They have already won 10 souls to Christ this year! Maria and her husband, Segundo, are walking with Christ and show by example to others.

A few months ago their nephew, Julio, came to their home when he was running from the police. They began to share the Gospel with him, but his heart was hard and he said that he was the devil’s son. Julio’s son, Jhonny, who is a believer and has been baptized, was a huge influence on his dad.  After several discussions and lots of prayer, three weeks later Julio decided to do the Peace Treaty with Maria and Segundo. When he was finished with the Peace Treaty he made the decision to follow Christ and be baptized!  Julio now gives all the glory and honor to God.

Julio, Maria, and Segundo.

Maria and Segundo baptizing Julio.


  • Two successful mission teams served with us in Ecuador this summer.
  • Education program is valued in the barrio.
  • Starting God’s work in a town called Villegas; we have eight Peace Treaties.
  • Baptisms in Peru!

Prayer Requests

  • Keep training and discipling the church.
  • That the education program grows.
  • Personal spiritual growth of the team.
We’re calling all prayer warriors!  If you are one of these people please contact us for more information!

Thanks for all your prayers and support!
With Christ’s love,
Mike and Danell Bukta


Project New Hope + CMF

CMF and Project New Hope are part of an exciting partnership with Team Expansion missionaries Mike and Dani Bukta and their work in Peru and Ecuador. Through this partnership we will work together toward holistic mission where disciples are made, individual lives are transformed, and nationals are empowered to lead. U.S. churches actively partner in this ministry with the goal of creating dynamic Christ-centered communities (churches) that can transform the world.