– February 2015 –

NorthPointe Christian Church


Please pray for the Martel family. Matt recently accepted a new job in Florida and they move this week. Matt and Amanda have been a huge part of NorthPointe from the very beginning and we are going to greatly miss them, their children, and their leadership. Pray for a smooth transition for their family and that they are able to find a new church home where they can be as much of a blessing as they were to NorthPointe.

Please pray for Matt. Matt is a young man who recently started attending NorthPointe because a friend invited him to come. He opened up to me about his struggle with drug addiction, but says he wants a fresh start in life. He told me has hasn’t been able to find that on his own, so he’s hoping God will help him. Please pray that Matt will find freedom and salvation in Jesus.

Please pray for Janet. Janet is one of the activity coordinators at our local YMCA. We are partnering with them on a couple of events this Spring and while Janet is excited for our extra hands, she seems very suspicious of the church. She recently shared with me some of her own personal struggles with church and said it’s kept her from pursuing faith. Please pray that we can show Janet a clear view of who Jesus is and how the Church is meant to be and that her walls will break down as we serve her and our community through the YMCA this Spring.

SouthPointe Christian Church


At the beginning of February, Robin, who has been coming consistently to SouthPointe, was baptized during our 9:30 service. As with all who make this decision and take this step, we pray for strength and perseverance in her walk with God. We pray that she will be welcomed into a close-knit community within SouthPointe. We also pray that we as a staff will be able to help connect her to fellow brothers and sisters in Christ who will help her in this journey. And mostly we pray that she will view her baptism as a first step and not a last one.


Recently there have been a few different children in our ministry who have been asking serious questions about Jesus and baptism. Not only do we ask for prayer for them, but especially for the parents and other adults in their lives who are in a position to help them work and think through their curiosity in a healthy, constructive way. We pray for discernment, for patience, for humility, and for lots of love and grace to cover this entire situation. Ultimately, we pray that these children will begin to make decisions in their lives now that will set them up for a vibrant walk with Jesus for the rest of their lives.


Ben is a young man who just recently left Rhode Island for yet another multi-month documentary shoot. Leaving not only his church community but his longtime girlfriend behind, we pray for Ben as he continues to try to figure out life, what he wants to do with it, how he wants to live, and what God has to do with any of it. We ask that God will continue to use us to impact Ben’s life and we also pray for Audrey, who is having a tough time dealing with the distance between her and Ben.

BridgePointe Christian Church


Ana Santiago came with her three adult children—Stephanie, Melinda, and Vernon—a few months ago. Stephanie has decided to commit to Jesus through baptism. Pray for her continued growth as a disciple. Despite being deaf, Vernon comes most weeks to see the smiles on our faces and feel the worship experience. Please pray that God would lead us to a deaf interpreter for Vernon and a few other hearing-impaired people in the church. Pray that Vernon and Melinda would follow Stephanie’s example and commit themselves to Jesus.


Ashley is a high school girl who was baptized in the fall. Her home life provides a very difficult environment for faith to flourish. She is battling a regression back toward her old ways. Please pray that Ashley would see truth, trust Jesus, and obey His Word. Pray that her transformation would compel her family to investigate Jesus. Also, please pray for Christine who is meeting with Ashley regularly to study and discuss faith and the Bible.


Rob has recently connected with BridgePointe through the worship team. He plays guitar and is finding joy in having a place to belong in the church. God is working in his life in big ways and it seems like Rob is beginning to consider faith and baptism. Please pray for Rob’s heart to be open to the Gospel. Pray for Rachel, Clint and Andrew on the team who are intentionally investing in Rob to lead him to Jesus.

OceanPointe Christian Church


Please be praying for Chris, a junior high student who has never been to church before January of this year. He has been attending the junior high Group since its first week this season—even showing up a half hour early one week with an atheist friend in tow! Chris is hungry for knowledge about God and for a loving community, and we are praying that he will continue to ask questions and encourage people around him to join him in that. Ryan and Eric are two students who openly question the existence of God in Groups— and we are so excited to see the other students stepping up to answer their questions! Please pray for these two boys (and those who are silently struggling) to understand that God exists and that He wants a relationship with them.


We are focusing on an outreach project we call OceanPointe Loves. Last year we handed out 93 boxes of chocolate-covered strawberries to people we know around us who aren’t involved in a church, and this year we prepared 200 boxes of cake balls to give to people in our community for Valentine’s Day. We pray that this will make a difference—whether that means someone is reminded of God’s love for them or is one step closer to sharing in our community of fath. We want our Newport community to know the powerful, all-consuming love of Jesus, and we are praying that OPLoves furthers that mission.


Please be praying for Tiffany. She has been attending with her family since last June and even serving with our children’s ministry. She grew up in a Buddhist home and has been learning more about God since being married to a Christian. Tiffany was just deployed to Cuba for six months, which means her husband and toddler daughter will be staying in Newport. Please pray that Tiffany will grow closer to God during her separation from her family and that her family would do the same here.


We would appreciate continued prayers for our efforts to find a 24/7 space that could accommodate our growing numbers. We have been in talks with the people who own the open space attached to the movie theater where we meet on Sunday mornings for months and are hopeful that in God’s time, He will open all the doors necessary. This space was formerly a bowling alley, a nightclub, and a sports bar, and we see so much potential for it in the future in the event that God has this as part of His plan for OceanPointe!

Restoration House Ministries

1300 Wellington Rd

Manchester, NH 03104
