June 26, 2014
Prayer Request
David, Philomina, and Arthur Morris arrived in Indianapolis on Thursday, June 19.  On Friday David developed a cough which became progressively worse.  Saturday afternoon David was taken to the emergency room and admitted to St. Vincent Hospital.  He had trouble breathing because of fluid in his lungs.  On Sunday morning he took a turn for the worse and was put on a ventilator, sedated and incubated to help with his breathing.  Doctors ran many tests which came back negative.  The infectious disease doctor believes that he may have a virus but he doesn’t know what it is yet.


We are so thankful that he was in the U.S. when this happened. Philomina is convinced that he would never have made it if he had been in India. He will be in the hospital for at least two more weeks. Philomina has been by his side since Saturday so she is also weak and tired.  


Please pray for David, Philomina, and Arthur Morris.


We will be posting updates on David’s condition on the SICCM Facebook page.