Please keep Jim Wolsieffer in prayer. Jim & Caranita are veteran missionaries (40+ years) in Italy.  Jim has had many health issues as those who know him well can attest.  He recently has had to battle kidney stones and the Italian healthcare system has been an obstacle at times. Below is a compilation of the issues & now the progress.

May 14 — Today is Jim’s birthday!!!
(If you want to send SMS – cell number 011. 39. 329.8839583
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How to unpack the sentence:
“We called an ambulance and took Jim to the emergency room.”

Dialogue in a nutshell between the following:
ISM (Italian Socialized Medicine- “free” – paid by taxes)
PC (Private care from doctors nurses, labs, paid out of pocket )
WF (Wolsieffer family)

May 13 8:00 a.m.
PC – Jim must be admitted to the hospital immediately.
ISM – Do not dare bring him in an ambulance to Brindisi. We do not have any beds. We will turn you away.
WF – How about if we admit him to a hospital in Taranto?
PC – Do not take him to Taranto. Too much incompetency. Go ahead and run some tests at the lab as an outpatient.
ISM – You are too late to run those tests today. We are closed.
PC – We will run the tests for you.
WF – The situation is getting worse. Total urinary blockage. Fever. We need help. 
PC – Best place to take him is the hospital in Martina Franca.
ISM – No beds available in Martina Franca.
WF – What are our options? Call home care nurse for assistance; call 911; call the police if the hospital in Brindisi refuses to admit.
WF – Call 911.
911 – Situation tagged yellow (urgent – will be seen within 10-15 minutes of arrival). Transport to Francavilla hospital.
WF – There are no urologists or nephrologists at the Francavilla hospital. Take us to Brindisi.
911 – We must transport to Francavilla. E.R. doctors will decide what needs to be done.
WF – We are losing time. Jim is already in treatment by doctors at Brindisi. We refuse treatment at Francavilla.
911 – Phone call – received permission to transport to Brindisi
ISM – E.R. Jim “parked” in hallway, temp 101, in front of open main door with wind blowing on him for 45 minutes. Never saw an E.R. doctor.
ISM – Transport to 10th floor – urology. Elevator malfunctioned. Nurse beat on door and shut it manually with his hand. 
ISM – Urologist – did a 20 second sonogram. One kidney stone now in bladder. Go home. We only admit surgery patients.
WF – We were told he had 6 kidney stones. What about the fever? What if the stone blocks the catheter again?
ISM – Does not listen to questions. Has other patients to see. Writes on chart – consultation with Nephrologist. 
WF – Tears gently roll down Jim’s face. Caught between regret for coming and urgent need for medical care.
ISM – Another elevator ride. Transported back to E.R. and placed in open holding area with 12 other patients.
WF – Jim is burning up. Call a nurse. Make request to take his temp.
ISM – Temp of 103.5. Nurse hooks up IV. No E.R. doctor ever sees him.
WF – Takes out personal cell phone and calls PC Nephrologist who had assisted Jim in the home for 3 weeks.
PC – Informs WF that he is in the hospital and will see what he can do. 
ISM – Waiting on blood test results. Transport to 8th floor. 10 minute wait for functioning elevator.
PC who works for ISM – Has his medical team do a complete medical exam, including accurate sonogram. Jim admitted to hospital.
May 13 6:00 p.m.

Update: Jim is doing better. Is on continuous IV’s (antibiotics and potassium) and doctors are running a battery of tests.
As we receive updates, we will pass them on to you.

THANKS FOR ALL YOUR PRAYERS! We can handle the challenges of our own pain and illnesses. 
it is socialized medicine and the loss of human dignity that creates deep suffering.
In every city, every day, Italian citizens are subjected to this kind of “mis-treatment.”

Caranita Wolsieffer

May 17, 2014
Dear Ones,
Thank you for all your prayers!  
Jim remains in the hospital on IV’s (antibiotics, fluids, and potassium)  
Intermittent pains have also been kept under control as all the kidney stones (6) have made their way down.
This evening a sonogram finally located the one large stone that caused the blockage.  
Jim is scheduled for a ureteroscopy on Monday or Tuesday.  
The doctor explained he will crush the stone “manually”, without any anesthetic, and remove it with  a “basket”, not by laser.
Please pray that the procedure will be successful and with as little pain as possible.
Blessings to all,
Caranita, for Jim, too
May 19, 2014
Doctor inserted Jim first in surgery schedule instead of last. Procedure was painful, but Jim is so relieved it is over! Still on IV’s. Thanks for your prayers!! Caranita