Join us this week as we lift up our brothers and sisters in South Sudan in prayer! 🙏

Join us in praying for LIA-South Sudan!
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The eyes of the Lord are in every place, keeping watch on the evil and the good.

Proverbs 15:3

Go Together for His Glory

Due to the sensitive nature of country dynamics, we ask that you not share any content of this email outside of your prayers.

Dear Mission,
Each week as we gather together to pray, we are reminded of the constant suffering and injustice that occurs throughout the nations. We also remember that we serve a God who is in everything and sovereignly reigns over the Earth. Let us have confidence in our Lord as we join in prayer for South Sudan:

Praise for the Nation:

  • Praise God for the start of the rainy season that has allowed families to catch their own water to farm instead of buying expensive water and vegetables from the market.
  • Thank God for the continuation of the peace talks between the government and the armed opposition groups in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
  • Give thanks that the 2018 school year has started off well and that the first term has already come to an end.

Prayer Requests for South Sudan:

  • Continue to pray for the spiraling economy that has gone down 800% since the beginning of the conflict in 2013. Ask that the Lord would have mercy on the people and revive the economy.
  • Pray for a good rainy season and plenty of harvest to meet the needs of the people.
  • As the economy of the country continues to fall, let’s pray that families’ livelihoods would be sustained. Ask that they would be able to feed, treat, and educate their children.

LIA-South Sudan Praise:

  • Praise God for His favor on the staff of good health and all needs provided.
  • Thank God for the smooth running of the school in Rumbek and the school feeding program. Give thanks for the success of the youth running club.
  • Praise Him for the various trainings we’ve been able to host in Yambio and for their success!

LIA-South Sudan Prayer Requests:

  • Pray for continued availability of funds to enable us serve well and achieve our objectives in our strategic plan.
  • Pray for the Early Childhood Development teacher training that in Terekeka. Pray that the trainees from this community have greater motivation to complete the training and put into practice what they learn.
  • Pray for Bethlehem Church in Yambio and St. John Church in Terekeka as they continue to run their Church based nurseries amidst all the economic difficulties.

Thank you for joining the LIA family in praying for LIA-South Sudan! We are blessed to pray together. And, together, we will prevail.
In Christ,

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