Join us to lift up our brothers and sisters in Somaliland in prayer. Praise God for all He’s done as we go together in prayer.

Join us in praying for LIA-Somaliland!
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Yours, O Lord, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the victory and the majesty, for all that is in the heavens and in the earth is yours. Yours is the kingdom, O Lord, and you are exalted as head above all.

1 Chronicles 29:11

Go Together for His Glory

Due to the sensitive nature of country dynamics, we ask that you not share any content of this email outside of your prayers.

Dear Mission,
All that we have and have been able to accomplish is from the Lord! He deserves all the praise for all He’s done. To Him be the glory and power and victory and majesty forever and ever! Praise Him with us today and plead with us knowing that only God can accomplish what we’re asking in Somaliland:

Thanksgiving & Praise:

  • Praise the Lord for the successful time we had in Nairobi as our TOT session was an impactful blessing.
  • God has given us a good potential partner who’s willing to initiate a "Folic Acid Project" in our internally displaced persons camp. This is needed to help prevent developmental complications with pregnant mothers.
  • Thank the Lord for his protection of our Somaliland country director. He managed to safely escape a conflict between tribes near him in which dozens were killed.
  • We thank God for the LIA-Somaliland staff. They’re completing their work and service to the Lord in good health.

LIA-Somaliland Prayer Requests:

  • Pray for God’s favor with the board members as we seek to expand our efforts to serve the neediest in the country.
  • Let’s pray that God will unite the locals for kingdom service.
  • We have a plan to hold a Muslim evangelism training and to initiate TOT training for leaders of a partner church. Pray that we’d accomplish this with wisdom and grace.
  • Pray for that the ongoing unrest in Ethiopia will settle and that God’s peace will prevail as Ethiopia is an immediate neighbor to Somaliland.

Thank you for joining the LIA family in praying for LIA-Somaliland! We are blessed to go together in prayer. And, together, we will prevail.
In Christ,

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