
and Prayer Requests

 from Indonesia 

Java Evangelism
Dennis and Lynn Free

Lynn is on her way home to Ambon to help with ongoing projects there. Dennis is staying behind in their Carrollton (GA) town home.   Dennis will be working with an immigration lawyer to resolve the challenges with his “Green Card” so he can get back to Ambon ASAP.


While he is in the US, he is already scheduled for preaching and teaching in several churches. He still has some dates available.


Please pray


… For Dennis and Lynn and they are on different sides of this planet.  After 44 years together, this is not an easy role.


… For the continued growth and development of the FAST START pre-school that Bethany leads in Ambon.


… For ongoing ministry in SKT.  Pray for Michael to have persistence and wisdom.


… For Reni, Octa and Lei as they teach Esther and as they reach out to others through the pre-school (Reni) and through the selling of quality project and involvement in Esther’s restaurant (Octa and Lei).


… For Speedy and for all the preparations to bring him and his family to full time ministry to the adherents of country’s majority religion in Ambon.


… For Sam, a believer originally from “Beeland” who is to visit in Ambon soon.   Dennis is sorry he will miss this visit.  Pray for his spiritual growth and for his business enterprises to reflect God’s standards.


Thank you for your partnership in the Gospel.


Until all Clearly Hear,

Dennis & Lynn signature  


Short term teams are welcome!  
Recent team conducting an “English is Fun” Day in a village area. 
 Searching for God’s plan for your life?  Want a significant short-term cross-cultural experience?  We invite you to consider the articles linked below.  Click the links