pray for Honduras


Dear Friends,
Unprecedented rains and flooding in Honduras recently damaged our Omoa Children’s Home, which cares for our 24 precious girls.  The girls are safe and are lovingly cared for by Carlos, our Administrator & Children’s Home Director, and his wife Paty.

flooding at the Children's HomeCarlos writes:

We had a lot rain and the water came into our building.  The water came up 5 inches inside the house. We really couldn’t protect some of our stuff like some shoes, books in the library, some mattresses, the living room furniture, and clothes.  The biggest problem was that the water in the toilets came up and flooded all the house; we have worked to disinfect the walls and wash clothes and some shoes. 

We had the damage inspected and this is what we were told:

  1. We really need to change the system of the toilet water; we need to build a new septic tank. This is a priority for me. 
  2. The floor of the  library needs to be built up because it is lower than the rest of the house.
  3. We threw out all the damaged furniture that got wet, which can’t be used anymore.  We know that you have new furniture for our living room and will send it.
The cost for the clean-up, temporary displacement of the girls, replace damaged/destroyed household goods, fix the septic system, and ship the new furniture (which is stored in our Ohio warehouse) is $7400.  Our grant request through IDES (International Disaster Emergency Service) was just approved and they will cover these expenses!  Hallelujah!
Also, just prior to the flooding, Lifeline had received money to purchase new mattresses for all the girls’ beds at the Children’s Home.  But due to holidays and lots of other activities going on, the mattresses had not been purchased yet. The flooding resulted in an even greater need for the mattresses and we praise God that we had not purchased the new ones yet or they would have sustained damage. The money for the mattresses has been sent and not only did our Lord provide the funds via IDES for the cleanup and repairs, but His timing was perfect as we needed the new mattresses more than ever. 


We are asking you, our faithful prayer warriors, to join us in prayer and praise:
  • Praise God that everyone is safe and that no one was injured or has gotten sick.  
  • Pray for the girls, Carlos & Paty, and the rest of the Honduras staff assisting with the situation.
  • Pray for the clean-up efforts and repairs.
  • Praise God for IDES and their financial assistance!
  • Praise God for His timing in providing for our needs.


Thank you for your prayers, love and concern for our staff and girls at the Omoa Children’s Home.


Serving together,

Gretchen DeVoe

Lifeline Co-Founder


Lifeline Christian Mission   ||   Restoring hope among the nations 

Haiti | Honduras | El Salvador | Cuba | Panama | Guatemala | Navajo Nation | Canada | USA