Greetings! We are coming to you asking for prayer. Dr. Ajai Lall is traveling to spend time with a group of over 15,000 Afghan refugees in India. On the heels of the recent election in India, the situation is very intense. Nevertheless, Dr. Ajai is excited for the opportunity to share the love of CHRIST with these people. 

One man within the refugee camp, Obed, formerly persecuted and murdered Christians. GOD spoke to this man in the midst of his hatred toward Christians and changed his life! Incredibly, he is now a CHRIST follower and has suffered attacks for his faith countless times. We know that our GOD who can save a man from a life of violence and persecution can save many others. Dr. Ajai sees this as an opportunity to connect with many of the Afghans in the camp.

We ask for prayer for softened hearts of these refugees. We ask that GOD would speak to them through Dr. Lall and other believers they have contact with. Also pray for safety for Dr. Ajai and all those involved. We know our GOD will meet all needs during this time and is eternally working sovereignly.  
Thank you for your love and commitment to CICM. We are grateful for our faithful partners.

“And we are confident that He hears us whenever we ask for anything that pleases Him. And since we know He hears us when we make our requests, we also know the He will give us what we ask for.”                                    
                    1 John 5:14-15

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22 West Bryan St.  
Savannah, GA 31401