
and Prayer Requests

 from Indonesia 

Java Evangelism
Dennis and Lynn Free

Dennis is not in jail!  He is detained.  He can leave the US at any time, but at the cost of losing his right to ever reside long term in the states.   At the Java Board of Directors’ meeting last night Dennis’ plan to remain here for a few months while he works through these issues was affirmed.  The route we have selected should make it possible for us to be free of the requirement for Dennis’ the be in the US for certain periods of time.   Over the next few weeks documents are being gathered and submitted; then the bureaucratic mill will begin to grind, hopefully efficiently.  We appreciate your prayers.


On August 6th, Lynn will return to Ambon.  Her health insurance requires she spent a majority of each year overseas and there are matters that need attention back there.    


Dennis will be driven to distraction if he is only doing legal paper work during his stay. He will be keeping track of and participating in preparing for Speedy’s return to Indonesia as he can from a distance. He will be visiting supporting churches as he can and is available for supply preaching, revivals, mission rallies or Islam seminars.

He can be reached at 706 402 2680 or  It is likely that he will be stateside at least through November.


We are grateful for your prayers for the Indonesian presidential election.  The better man was chosen and things are going along

Cartoonist depiction of the winning ticketsmoothly for the time being.   Please pray for Jakarta (as they install a Chinese Christian governor) and for the nation as Joko Widodo assumes office (in October).   Please pray for his opponent whom I describe as an angry general to accept the decision of the people. 

We have received word  that while we were praying for Muslims and other unreached peoples in Savannah on Wednesday evening at Abel and friends were baptizing another young man into Christ.  Pray for the Gospel to bear increasingly abundant and abiding fruit in Beeland and throughout Indonesia. 




Until all Clearly Hear,

Dennis & Lynn signature  


Short term teams are welcome!  
Recent team conducting an “English is Fun” Day in a village area. 
 Searching for God’s plan for your life?  Want a significant short-term cross-cultural experience?  We invite you to consider the articles linked below.  Click the links