

Dear Friends,


Thank you for all your prayers and encouragement relating to the 9 food containers in customs in Haiti!  (see our email sent on January 27) God is working!  Many of you have recently inquired as to the progress on the food containers and we still need your prayers:

  • Last week 4 of the containers have been received and we had a generous donor help with the shortfall, which turned out to be about $7500 for these 4 containers.  The food has been delivered and is already feeding hungry bellies.  Lifeline’s supply for our schools was totally depleted and already food is on its way to several of our outpost schools. So this is reason for praise!
  • However, 5 more containers of food are still sitting in customs.  We had all our people and a key ministry partner work to negotiate reduced storage/delay fees and, as of last night, there was no reduction in the costs.  So the 5 containers in customs are ready to come to us but we have a shortfall of around $8,000 for the storage fees that were over and above what was raised through the food packing events. 


Please pray for these excess funds to come in so that we can start delivery of the containers and stop the storage/demurrage charges from continuing to stack up.



God bless you and thank you!

Gretchen L. DeVoe

Lifeline Co-Founder




Lifeline Christian Mission   ||   Restoring hope among the nations 

Haiti | Honduras | El Salvador | Cuba | Panama | Guatemala | Navajo Nation | Canada | USA