June 25, 2015
Dear fellow “devil dodgers” as our good friend Keith Bunn used to say.
Several have asked for a status report on my condition, so I thought I would send this information along with a request for your continued prayers.
The ALS diagnosis was confirmed by both Emory and Mayo Clinic. I am in treatment with the Emory ALS Clinic, Emory Orthopedics, Atlanta Back Clinic, as well as an aggressive program through Progressive Medical, implementing a holistic approach. While there is no known cure of ALS and it is a terminal disease, we are working to make the transition through the various stages tolerable.
I am still working with Christian City, but, with multiple medical procedures every week, I do not get into the office but a couple of days a week on the average. I work from home as much as possible.
The Board of Trustees has engaged an executive search firm to identify my successor. Hopefully, I will be around to provide orientation and support for that person, but there is no guarantee.
I would really appreciate three things. First, that you continue to pray for me and my family in this situation. While “man” has no cure, God is certainly able to do above and beyond what we could ask or even think. So, we are not without hope, but I am solely dependent upon God as we do our best.
Secondly, please pray for God to help us identify the person who will take the helm here at Christian City.
And lastly, please pray about what role you might play in identifying potential candidates. It is our desire that the person come from the ranks of our “brotherhood” if at all possible. So, if you know of someone who might be a good candidate, please explore that with them and see if God would lead them to, at least, explore the idea.  Let me know if I can provide any help in this process.
Blessings to you all, and thank you for your service to the Kingdom.
Bob Crutchfield