Sergei Golovin [President of the Christian Center for Science and Apologetics, and where I am a guest for the month of April while teaching and preaching in Kiev] got a call this morning, April 9, 2015, that the IIIC property is now in the name of a trusted someone who has Russian ‘citizenship’ registration and can sell it [unofficially, on behalf of IIIC] to interested Russian buyers!  All registration documents are ‘done’!

(We had to ‘sell’ it to such a person before we could expect any Russian company to buy it since IIIC is a Ukrainian registered company and no Russian company will buy it from a Ukrainian company on “RF soil” and face possible legal complications. It did mean paying taxes twice.)

Now they will move quickly to negotiate with a buyer from Moscow rather than prolonging looking for the best deal and run the risk of any more surprises in a land where king is law more than law is king.

Progress! Praise the Lord.

What a long ordeal.
But think of all the lives transformed via that venue for the Christian worldview and gospel! Transformed lives transforming lives today – in Ukraine, Crimea, Europe, the US, Asian countries, etc!

May God see that we get some financial fruit from the old IIIC building after all the taxes and expenses are paid.

Pray for the ministry that God is doing at the House on the Hill, the CIU Center. May lives there be transformed by the renewing of their minds as they experience Christian teaching and community where the word of God is honored and the Spirit of the Lord is at work.

Abbreviations (since some occasionally ask):
CIU – Commonwealth International University (name is registered in the US)
IIIC – International Institute of Intercultural Communication (the registered name for CIU in Ukraine)
CIU Center – the continuing student outreach and education program initiated by CIU when we could no longer be licensed and accredited. (Now, in Ukraine, the Ministry of Education will license “religious education” institutions – but not in Crimea under Russian occupation/annexation.)
RF – Russian Federation