Serving the people of Poland since 1954
Polish Christian Ministries
September 2016

Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each otherso that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.  (James 5:16)
Prayer Changes Things
This month we would like to emphasize the need for prayer. Many of PCM’s friends are in need of a special touch from God’s loving and powerful hand. Bronek Hury (Slowo i Zycie editor) underwent heart bypass surgery on August 20. Pastor Jerzy Puszcz (Lidzbark Warmiński) is grieving the loss of his mother who passed away in August. Several of our dear sisters are fighting various stages of cancer — Basia (Olsztyn), Beata (Ostroda), Ania (Jasienica), Irena (Ostroda), Lois (PCM’s admin. assistant), Peggy (PCM Board member’s wife). Please pray for our Polish pastors, that they will be encouraged. Pray for marriages to remain strong and healthy. Pray for new believers to be discipled. Pray for new churches to be planted and new church leaders to be raised up. 
Pray that communities across Poland will be impacted with the Gospel message and the name of Jesus will be exalted.

Henryk & Basia Karasiewicz of the Bielsk Podlaski church hosted the US team from New Hope CC, Whitestown, IN
WKB in Bielsk 
The Vacation Bible Club in Bielsk Podlaski not only impacted the children who came, but also became a training ground for young leaders. These young people met one hour before VBS for prayer and devotions and stayed an additional 4 hours after VBS to clean up and prep for the next day, and to worship, pray, and study the Word. Some of the young people even stayed overnight in the church building. 
Biala Podlaska
The construction of the new church building in Biala Podlaska is well under way. When finished it will seat nearly 500 people! Much of the labor is being done by members of the congregation. 
Bible Basketball Camp 
in Lublin 

The church in Lublin recently hosted a Bible basketball camp for youth ages 10-16. Youth met daily from August 8-12 for drills, training and games. A team from the Fairmount Christian Church in Mechanicsville, VA, came to assist in teaching, coaching, and loving on these youth. We pray many young hearts will be changed forever as a result of their time together.  
Back-to-School Outreach in Ciechanow
As the new school year begins, the church in Ciechanow reached out to the children in their community with a special back-to-school program. Their living link church in Bloomsburg, PA, sent colorful backpacks filled with school supplies to distribute to the kids. Pastor Krzysztof Adamkowski reports that several people came – some visiting the church for the first time. May God continue to develop new relationships and build His church in Ciechanow. 
                      Poland Bound 2017
Dates                            Focus                              Destination                         
1/3-26              Teaching English                       Sandomierz      
5/31-6/11        Leadership development          NW Poland              
6/9-22              Holocaust survivors                  Ostróda           
6/21-7/2          Ukrainian children camp           Ostroda 
6/30-7/9          Church planting initiative         Warsaw                 
6/30-7/10        English classes/outreach         Ciechanów
7/7-16              Building construction               Biała Podlaska
                          Finish youth center                  Bielsk Podlaski
                          Building construction               Sosnowiec
7/19-8/1          IsraCamp                                  Ostróda     
9/29-10/7        Building renovation                  Olszytn 
See PCM’s website for details in the “Minister With Us” section. 
PCM’s short term trip manual is available upon request.

Praising God for…
…many decisions made for Jesus throughout the summer
…the successful Vacation Bible Clubs in Bielsk Podlaski and Lublin
…the short-term workers from New Hope Christian Church, Whitestown, IN, and Fairmount Christian Church, Mechanicsville, VA, who served this past month in Poland  
Prayers for financial needs …
… for Phase I of the new building in Biala Podlaska to be finished before winter – $12,500 is still needed.
… for the renovation at Bielsk Podlaski to be finished soon to allow the new youth minister to live there – $3,000 still needed.
… for the church roof replacement in Olsztyn – $5,000 still needed.


PCM Travel in US:
September 18: Parkway Church of Christ, Allentown, PA
September 27: LCU Internship Fair, Lincoln, IL
October 1-2: Lighthouse Christian Church, Oceanside, CA
October 9: Assumption Christian Church, Assumption, IL
October 29-30: Fairfield Church of Christ, Fairfield, OH


Eastern Christian Conference    David & Sandy Hatfield, Frank & Lois Harris will be Hershey, PA                                at the ECC. Come visit us!

November 11-13, 2017

PCM FALL Board of Directors meeting is on November 16-17, 2017, at Tate’s Creek Christian Church, Lexington, KY. Those interested in a PCM Update are invited to attend a dinner on Wednesday, November 16th, beginning at 6:30 p.m. at Tate’s Creek. RSVP by November 1st to PCM’s home office. 

David & Sandy Hatfield, Maui & Ewa Dwulat and other PCM directors will be at ICOM. Come visit us at Booths 1412, 1414, and 1416.
All donations to Polish Christian Ministries should be sent to our new address:

1212 Schucks Rd., Bel Air, MD 21015

Donations may also be made via our website: www.pcmusa.orgClick on: Ways to Give.

**NEW PCM POWER-POINT SLIDE SHOW** available on our website under “Resources” 2016 Carmi: Video version
PCM Office: 410-688-3294
Dave Hatfield: 810-923-0226

Polish Christian Ministries | 410.688.3294 | pcm(at) | 

Polish Christian Ministries, 1212 Schucks Road, Bel Air, MD 21015