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1954  Serving the people of Poland for sixty years  2014

Polish Christian Ministries
November 2014

2 We always thank God for all of you, mentioning you in our prayers.  3 We continually remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.” I Thes. 1:2-3  

PCM’s newest supporting church is Tomoka Christian Church, Ormond Beach, FL.

Oksana Bilous, PCM’s ministry partner in Ostróda, Poland



Pray for ELI (Emerging Leaders Internship) which launched in October with Polish interns in four Warsaw churches. 

ELI is a highly structured and intense program for equipping a new generation of Polish leaders, who will be prepared to plant new churches, multiply existing churches, and revitalize struggling churches.

Pray for the financial needs of this project to be raised in a timely fashion. 



Please Pray . . . 

  • for PCM’s former Executive Director Wayne Murphy who has been diagnosed as having encephalopathy. He has been hospitalized frequently over the past few months.
  •  for Adam Byra, preacher in Sandomierz, whose father recently passed away.  His funeral services were in mid-October.
  • for Marcin Zwolinski, preacher in Olsztyn, whose mother passed away in late October.
  • pray for Fryderyk Domaradzki in Łódz as he leads an evangelistic event in his city this month
  • for Poland’s neighbor  Ukraine during this time of war with Russia
  • for the church in Biała Podlaska as they draw up blueprints for a new building
  • for Dave and Sandy as they travel, accompanied by Oksana Bilous, PCM’s intern supervisor.
    • October 31 Hickory Valley Christian Church, Chattanooga, TN
    • November 1-2 Union City Christian Church, Richmond, KY
    • November 2 Salem Christian Church, Richmond, KY
    • November 3-6 WOW at Taylor University, Upland, IN
    • November 9 Rockville Christian Church, Rockville, IN
    • November 13-16 ICOM, Columbus, OH
    • November 23 Brighton Christian Church, Brighton, MI
    • November 23 Fellowship Church, Whitmore Lake, MI

Visit us at ICOM 2014 (Booth #1131) in
Columbus, Ohio, November 13-16

Visit us at Eastern Christian Conference, Hershey, PA,November 14-16


PCM DVD on YouTube Click here for a preview: 
Email pcm@pcmusa.org  to ask for a copy on DVD!
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