Serving the people of Poland since 1954
Polish Christian Ministries
June 2016

Above all, put on love–the perfect bond of unity… And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.  Colossians 3:14, 17

What a great experience the European Leadership Forum was for all those in attendance! 720 leaders from 45 countries came away not only better informed but also trained and inspired to go forward as servants who love and lead in the power of God’s Spirit. Six of our PCM partners were in attendance. We pray for a great harvest across Europe as a result of this                                     gathering of Christian leaders.

These eight team members from the Central Christian Church in Mt. Vernon, Illinois, are Poland-bound. They will travel to Biala Podlaska (June 3-12) to help the congregation there lay the foundation for their new church building. 
 Hillside Christian Church, Marshfield,    Missouri, has gathered a team of 
 children’s workers to assist at a camp    for Ukrainian refugee children. They  head to Ostroda, Poland, June 15-22.  Matt and Haylee James, the team  leaders, were PCM interns last year      and are excited to return to Poland.

Praising God for…
…the Porter family who are returning to Poland in June to minister in Ostroda 
… for Oksana Bilous’ new smile — the “saga of the teeth” is finished!


…the financial support given for the Ukrainian refugee children’s camp in Ostroda and the children’s outreach in Lodz
Please pray for
Leadership Development sessions with the churches in Gdynia, Nysa, WyszkowBiala Podlaska, and Bielsk Podlaski this summer
building renovation projects in Bielsk Podlaski, Olsztyn, and Ciechanow 
…summer children outreaches: Ukrainian refugee children; Lodz children; Lublin basketball camp, and five Polish churches coming together to lead a Polish youth camp


PCM Travel in Poland:
May 28-June 9: Compassion Christian Church, Savannah, GA, serving Holocaust survivors in Ostroda, Poland
June 3-12: Central Christian Church, Mt. Vernon, IL, helping to lay a foundation for the church in Biala Podlaska, Poland
June 15-22: Hillside Christian Church, Marshfield, MO, leading an outreach to Ukrainian refugee children in Ostroda, Poland
June 25-July 2: PCM interns (plus the Porter family) assisting churches in Ciechanow, Dzialdowo, Gdynia, Ostroda, Olsztyn, and Lidzbark Welski in an outreach to Polish youth in Ostroda, Poland.

All donations to Polish Christian Ministries should be sent to our new address:

1212 Schucks Rd., Bel Air, MD 21015

Donations may also be made via our website: www.pcmusa.orgClick on: Ways to Give.

**NEW PCM POWER-POINT SLIDE SHOW** available on our website under “Resources” 2016 Carmi: Video version
PCM Office: 410-688-3294
Dave Hatfield: 810-923-0226

Polish Christian Ministries | 410.688.3294 | | 

Polish Christian Ministries, 1212 Schucks Road, Bel Air, MD 21015