Serving the people of Poland since 1954  

Polish Christian Ministries
April 2015

He is not here; for He is risen, as He said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay. 
(Matthew 28:6)

May the reality of the resurrection sweep across the nation of Poland, bringing life and hope to every man, woman, and child. 
Leszek, Ela, and Leopold


On March 29th the church in Plock bid farewell to the Juszczyszyn family. For the past four years Leszek has pastored the Plock church. Pray for Leszek, Elizabeth, and Leopold as they begin the next chapter of their lives in the city of Krakow.
Plock will welcome a new pastor this month. Please pray for this pastor and his family as they prepare to assume this new role in the Plock church.


Matt and Haylee James are joining the ELI interns in Warsaw during the month of April. They are excited to be a part of this discipleship training, to join in an all-day prayer initiative, and to gain lots of practical ministry experience. Pray for this significant equipping ministry as God prepares the ELI interns to plant the next churches in Warsaw.  

“YEAR of DISCIPLESHIP”  is the 2015 theme for the Polish Christian Churches/Churches of Christ.   One of the projects is to translate the classic book by John Stott, The Radical Disciple: Some Neglected Aspects of Our Calling for our Polish leaders in ministry.  This project will cost $2,000.  If you would like to contribute to this project please make a note on the memo line of your check: “2015: Year of Discipleship”.
Please pray for…
 the church in Tomaszow Mazowiecki which has launched a new church plant in Lodz (P109)
…  the Sosnowiec Church which is considering buying the property next door in order to build a bigger worship center. Their current place of worship holds 80 chairs.
 Matt and Haylee James, PCM’s Volunteer Interns, who are serving this month in Warsaw, Poland, at the International Christian Fellowship.
 the Olsztyn Church which needs a new roof on its building

 David Hatfield, PCM’s Executive Director, as he travels this month
April 8-15: Bel Air, Maryland
April 11-12: Bloomsburg Christian Church, Bloomsburg, PA
April 17-18: Michigan Christian Convention, Lansing, MI
April 26-28: PCM Spring Directors Meeting, Brighton, MI
… Lois Harris, PCM’s Administrative Assistant, who goes in for her sixth and final chemotherapy treatment on April 21st. 
… Wayne Murphy who is on a list for a liver transplant. He welcomes calls at 410-937-5598.  

Visit us at the NACC in Cincinnati, Ohio, June 23-26, 2015, Booth 1024
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