This publication offers daily prayer opportunities for you and our other prayer partners. 

September 7 – 13

East Asia 

East Asia, where over 300 languages are spoken, offers unique spiritual, linguistic, and logistical challenges as Pioneer Bible Translators seeks to impact Bible-less, church-less people groups.

Spiritual darkness pervades this region. Pray that people will recognize their spiritual hunger and begin seeking truth.

Translation of Luke’s Gospel for a people group we serve is nearing completion. Pray that God will protect the mother-tongue translators and our personnel who facilitate their work.

The completed translation of Luke will be the source for the Jesus film script in this language. Pray that the film will be completed next year. Pray that God will prepare people’s hearts to respond to its powerful message.

A team of interns recently spent a month serving in East Asia. Pray that the time they invested here will have long-term impact for the Kingdom.

Government restrictions make it difficult to gain access to the areas where East Asia’s least-reached people groups live. Pray for wisdom to develop creative strategies for legitimately accessing these areas.

We have identified a cluster of 38 unreached and unengaged people groups on which to focus. Pray that the Lord will raise up personnel so that we can begin serving among these groups.
Creative use of media facilitates the distribution of translated Scripture in a repressive environment. Pray that God’s Word will go out and that the seeds sown will bear a rich harvest of transformed lives.

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