This publication offers daily prayer opportunities for you and our other prayer partners.

September 6 – 12

East Africa 

Pioneer Bible Translators serves 17 people groups in East Africa. Some claim allegiance to Christ while others follow another religion or adhere primarily to traditional African beliefs.  

New Testaments in six languages are being dedicated this month. Pray that people in each language group will joyously receive God’s Word and respond to its message.    

Literacy outreach helps prepare people to read God’s Word in their heart language. Pray that our literacy ministry will enable large numbers of people to read their Scriptures fluently.    

Audio Scriptures, the Jesus film, and other non-print media are effective ways to teach God’s Word. Pray for responsive hearts as people hear His truth and see it presented in dramatic form.     

We are preparing to serve additional people groups in an unreached region of East Africa. Pray for wisdom in the many decisions that must be made. Pray that God will protect our personnel and their African co-workers as they begin shining the light of God’s truth there.    

Nationals from three language groups have begun translating the Old Testament. Pray that God will enable them and our personnel to persevere through hardships. Pray that they will quickly adjust to the many ways that this work differs from translating the New Testament.     

We need additional team members in East Africa. Pray that God will raise up more language, administrative, and Scripture Impact personnel to join in what He is doing there.    
We desire to see entire communities transformed. Pray that God’s Word in people’s heart languages will do its transforming work.  

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Dallas, TX 75236

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