The Prayer Partner Letter is a publication of Pioneer Bible Translators
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February 2018

Ever so often it is good to step back from the specific job you are doing and take a look at the big picture. Steve Hagemeyer, who serves in West Africa, recently did just that in a recent newsletter.
He notes some information available from the Forum of Bible Agencies, of which Pioneer Bible Translators is a part. This group of 31 agencies is committed to working together to achieve the goal of having Scripture in every language by 2050. Steve notes that in THE LAST FIVE YEARS:
The number of complete Bibles has increased from 500 to 636;
The number of people without any Scripture has decreased from
350 million to 160 million
We have grown from working in 53 languages, representing 19.3 million
people in 11 different countries to working in 84 languages, representing 42 million people, in 18 different countries.
We have grown from one sister organization to four sister organizations:
            Pioneer Bible Translators of Canada
            Pioneer Bible Translators – Brazil
            Pioneer Bible Translators – Philippines
            Pioneer Bible Translators – Ukraine
Praise God for all He is doing to get His divine revelation into the languages of people groups who previously never had it.

Pray that God will open the way for Bible translators to enter every Bibleless people group that remains.

Pray that God will enable those who go to the remaining Bibleless people groups to stay until the Bible is translated and churches are established, maturing, and multiplying.

Thank you for your prayers,
Gerald & Ruth Denny
Coordinators of Prayer Ministries
Pioneer Bible Translators