In this eNews:
» A Humble Warrior
» 2017 Internships
2014 Ministry Overview

A Humble Warrior

A Focus on Prayer Partners

Florence was a humble prayer warrior. Though “humble warrior” may sound like a contradiction, it perfectly describes Florence’s ministry. Every day, many times a day, she knelt in humility before her Lord to battle on behalf of missionaries serving all over the world.

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2014 Ministry Overview

Serve as a Summer Intern in 2017

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We believe one of the best ways to discern if God is leading an individual to become a long-term missionary is to experience cross-cultural ministry first hand. Each summer, we offer multiple 10-week internship opportunities (2 weeks of pre-field orientation and 8 weeks overseas).

Our internships consist of 3-4 students (generally college-aged) and a team coach, who serves as a facilitator, leader and guide. Since we want students to see a broad range of ministry and cultural learning activities, most internship teams travel to multiple ministry allocations.  

Learn More about Internships
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