Thank God that Rama became a Christian.
Pray that she will be steadily growing in her relationship with Christ and that she will exude the aroma of Christ to those with whom she comes into contact.
Thank God for the missionary couple with Pioneer Bible Translators who continued to share the aroma of Christ with Rama, building on what others had done years earlier. Thank God that missionaries continue to persevere in West Africa, releasing the aroma of Christ to those with whom they come in contact, even though they see little tangible results in lost people being saved. Pray for each missionary in Pioneer Bible Translators to continue spreading the aroma of Christ even when there are no tangible results as far as they can see.
Praythat they will leave the results with God, knowing it may be years before the seed they planted bears spiritual fruit.
Thanks for your prayers, Gerald Denny Care Department Director Pioneer Bible Translators |