This publication offers daily prayer opportunities for you and our other prayer partners.

May 1 – 7

Strategic Prayer Focus

Prayer is foundational to every aspect of Pioneer Bible Translators’ worldwide ministry. Please join us in praying for these strategic requests.

Pray that God will grant perfect unity of purpose and heart to our entire team.   

Printed New Testaments in four East African languages have arrived and are being distributed. Pray that reading the Scriptures and listening to audio recordings of God’s Word in these four languages will greatly impact all who hear them.      

Establishing businesses can provide opportunities to obtain visas that enable us to minister while adding genuine value to the communities where they operate. Pray that God will send us people with the expertise to do this well.      

Pray that by the year 2100 we and our partners in Bible translation and Scripture impact will render completely obsolete the terms “Bibleless” and “unreached.”    

Our development team seeks to engage individuals and churches in providing the financial resources necessary for serving Bibleless people groups. Pray that God will lead them and grant them fruitfulness.       

Some of our greatest fundraising success comes when others speak up on behalf of our ministry. Pray that God will give many individuals a vision for how they can be advocates for Pioneer Bible Translators.     
At present 4% of our income comes as unrestricted gifts. Pray that God will raise up financial partners who will increase it to 6% by the end of 2016 and 8% by the end of 2018.

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7255 West Camp Wisdom Road

DallasTX 75236

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