Announcing President Greg Pruett’s Book — If I Only Knew — Tax Refund Coming? — Join Us for Discovery

Extreme Prayer Book Graphic

Announcing President Greg Pruett’s Book


Prayer is our primary strategy for reaching the Bible-less peoples with God’s Word. Pioneer Bible Translators is proud to announce that our President, Greg Pruett, has authored the new book Extreme Prayer: The Impossible Prayers God Promises to Answer with a foreword by Max Lucado. In Extreme Prayer, Greg Pruett searches the Scriptures to discover that it’s not about how to pray more; it’s about praying differently, in a way that achieves maximum Kingdom impact.

Read more on Greg’s Blog or order Extreme Prayer today.  

Pete Speaking: "If I Only Knew"

If I Only Knew


In the most remote parts of the world, people own cell phones but they don’t have indoor plumbing. They drink Coca-Cola but they don’t have Jesus. Pete Isenberg, a missionary with Pioneer Bible Translators, challenges the Church to reconsider our priorities in light of these unreached corners of the world.

Watch Pete’s Message

Tax Refund Check

Tax Refund Coming?


Tax season is a great time to bless the Bible-less with a tax-deductible gift. Our general fund is absolutely essential to the success of our ministry worldwide. Help us continue to see transformed lives through God’s Word in every language by generously giving all or part of your 2013 tax refund this year. 

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Discovery June 8-13, 2014 in Dallas

Join Us in Dallas for Discovery

June 8-13 in Dallas, Texas


Encounter God at Discovery, an event designed to help you gain a vision for serving God’s kingdom with Pioneer Bible Translators. Explore ministry roles, meet missionaries, and learn about the skills necessary for cross-cultural, heart-language ministry. 

Find Out More and Register

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