This publication offers daily prayer opportunities for you and our other prayer partners.

January 11 – 17

Southeast Asia 

Pioneer Bible Translators personnel serve in a nation of Southeast Asia where the majority follow another religion. Your prayers for our personnel and the people we serve are vital. 

More than 500 languages here are Bibleless. Pray that God will raise up expatriate and local personnel who will partner together to help meet this vast need. 

Developing strategies for filling the gaps that remain here requires great wisdom. Pray that our leaders will be Spirit-led in every decision they make. 

We are facilitating a new translation project in this region. Pray that the national translators will remain strong in the task of providing God’s Word for their people. Pray that the church will remain diligent in supporting and encouraging their work. 

New team members are in training to serve in Southeast Asia. Pray that the Lord will provide all they need as they prepare.

Partnerships with local churches and organizations as well as with other expatriate groups are vital to completing the task. Pray for wisdom in developing strategic relationships. Pray that we will all work together in ways that exemplify the unity for which Jesus prayed. 

A government-recognized nonprofit organization has been established to provide a means of entry into unreached people groups in difficult-to-access areas. Pray that its purposes will be achieved.
God’s Word has the potential to transform this entire nation. Pray that in this generation the needs of every Bibleless, churchless people group will be met.

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