News from Mike and Herchenroeder – Serving with Pioneer Bible Translators – June 2017


Greetings to each of you whose prayers and financial gifts continue to make our ministry possible!


The year is flying by! Here are a few glimpses of what we’ve been up to. But first … big news! For many months we asked you to persist in praying for the Mborena Kam team as they checked their New Testament in meticulous detail and simultaneously recorded an audio version of it. They finished! Their hard work is already bearing fruit in many team members’ lives, and on July 27 the New Testament in both print and audio formats will be dedicated and distributed so its life-transforming impact can be multiplied.


So far this year…

Mike has:

·      Worked with others to get the Akukem book of Mark into a cell phone app that syncs the print text with an audio recording, highlighting the verse being read to help inexperienced readers follow along.

·      Given guidance to our teammates in Papua New Guinea as they are migrating from the previous version of the Paratext translation software to the current one. This process is more complex than usual, so there’s more potential for unfortunate “oopsies.”

·      Served as a resource for some of our PNG teammates when they requested.


Eunice has:

·      Edited articles for the most recent edition of PBT’s corporate magazine The Latest Word. She is currently editing articles for the next issue its companion newsletter Latest Words and helping plan the content of the next one as well as providing other editorial services as needed.

·      Participated in PBT’s annual June recruitment and training events.

·      Continued writing Pioneer Bible Translators’ Daily Prayer Guide (something she has done for over a decade now).


Together we have:

·      Housed several teammates at the “Herchenroeder Hilton” and hosted many others for meals.

·      Encouraged and prayed for teammates here and around the world.


When You Pray…

Ÿ  Thank God that Pioneer Bible Translators’ worldwide ministry continues to grow numerically (now serving 73 language groups) and in impact (most notable at the moment: a church planting movement is breaking out among the Yalunka people in West Africa).

Ÿ  Thank God for the completion and upcoming dedication of the Mborena Kam New Testament.

Ÿ  Thank God for an uptick in Mike’s energy level.

Ÿ  Pray for our upcoming trip to Indiana, where we will get to lead the mission time at our home church’s VBS. We will also attend a family reunion and spend a week as companions to Mike’s mom.

Ÿ  Pray that we will continue to find joy in each ministry that God has given us.

Ÿ  Pray that our words, actions, and attitudes will glorify God in all ways.

Ÿ  Pray that God will heal Mike and restore his strength and energy. Pray that He will use Mike mightily during this time of healing.

Thank you for your faithful partnership in praying for us and in giving on behalf of Bibleless people. 

Mike and Eunice

333 Sims Drive

Cedar Hill, TX 75104


Our address for financial gifts (please note the change from the Carrollton PO box address we’ve had for many years):

Pioneer Bible Translators

PO Box 380721

Duncanville, TX 75138-0721