This publication offers daily prayer opportunities for you and our other prayer partners.

February 8 – 14


Pioneer Bible Translators desires to meet the needs of Bibleless, churchless people groups on the Siberian tundra. Your prayers help break down strongholds and propel our ministry of Bible translation and Scripture impact forward. 

Harsh living conditions, politically-imposed atheism, and traditional animistic beliefs combine to make this a difficult region in which to minister. Pray that God will strengthen and encourage our personnel and local believers. 

Our personnel here include a family that serves a group of nomadic reindeer herders and a single person currently immersed in language and acculturation studies. Pray that God will raise up additional teammates.  

Draft copies of Genesis and Acts in the reindeer herders’ language are being read in their villages to test for accuracy and clarity. Pray that lives will be impacted as people hear accounts of the God of the Bible at work. 

Pray that seeds of faith planted in the hearts of each person who helped translate, edit, and test these Scriptures will take root as they continue encountering God and His Word. 

Small groups of believers are scattered throughout this region. Pray that they will be passionate for Christ and courageous to share with others the hope that they have.  

Reaching the Bibleless people groups of the Siberian tundra will never be accomplished solely by expatriate personnel. Pray that
 God will raise up mother-tongue speakers to participate in translation and Scripture impact.
Pray that every language group in this region will soon have access to God’s Word and that they will be wholly transformed by it.

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