In this eNews:
» When the Unreached Become Missionaries
» The Aruamu Bible Dedication Video
» Join Us: Discovery Weekend
2014 Ministry Overview

When the Unreached Become Missionaries

The Aruamu start a Bible college to train missionaries to serve unreached people groups across the South Pacific

A new Bible college has opened—not in North America, but in a mountainous jungle region of Papua New Guinea. The students and instructors are all ethnic Aruamu, a people group who within a few decades has gone from being unreached to preparing to send out their own missionaries.

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2014 Ministry Overview

The Aruamu Bible Dedication

Transformed by God’s Word

July 2, 2005, was a pivotal day in the history of the Aruamu people of Papua New Guinea as they celebrated the arrival of the New Testament in their own language and dedicated it to God’s glory and the fulfillment of His purposes for them. This day marked the culmination of nearly two decades of work by Pioneer Bible Translators missionaries Marsha and the late John Relyea backed by the prayers and financial support of churches and individuals in the U.S.

See the Bible Dedication

2014 Ministry Overview

Join Us: Discovery Weekend

In Dallas, Texas August 18-20, 2017

Encounter God at Discovery, an event designed to help you gain a vision for serving God’s kingdom with Pioneer Bible Translators. Explore ministry roles, meet missionaries, and learn about the skills necessary for cross-cultural, heart-language ministry.

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Dallas, TX 75236

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