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Pioneer Bible Translators

Daily Prayer Guide

December 8 – 14

International Service Center 

Pioneer Bible Translators’ worldwide ministry is facilitated by our International Service Center team. Their service is vital to strategic ministry and healthy growth.

Our recruitment team actively seeks Godly men and women to join our team. Pray that God will speak powerfully through them each time they speak in churches, on campuses, and in other venues on behalf of the Bible-less.

Our training team helps equip our personnel for ministry. Pray that God will enable them to effectively teach and mentor each person preparing for cross-cultural service.

Our field ministries team oversees our ministries in each place where we serve. Pray that God will grant wisdom as they facilitate the work of a growing team serving in a variety of ministry environments.

Our mobilization team focuses on getting churches, individuals, foundations, and other groups involved on behalf of unreached people groups. Pray that through them God will raise up needed volunteers and financial resources.

Our finance and legal team helps ensure financial integrity and accountability in an increasingly complex regulatory climate. Pray that God will enable them in every way needed.

Numerous other groups round out our International Service Center team, providing vital services to our worldwide personnel. Pray that God will grant these team members great joy as they serve in IT, media, administration, logistics, care, and countless other ways.
Pray that God will continue to add the right people to this team on behalf of the Bible-less, church-less people we serve.

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