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December 7 – 13

North Africa

Over 140 people groups live in an area of North Africa where we serve. Many live in deep physical and spiritual poverty following decades of regional conflicts and recent political instability. Pioneer Bible Translators is bringing the life-transforming Word of God and, with it, healing and hope.

Political and ethnic violence affects millions of Bibleless people and raises many new challenges for our personnel. Pray for lasting and meaningful peace in North Africa

Spiritual hunger is most fully satisfied when people hear God’s Word in their own language. Pray for our personnel and each mother- tongue translation team as they face the linguistic and cultural complexities of their work.

Low literacy rates hinder access to published Scriptures. Pray that God will raise up in every community fluent readers willing to share the gift of literacy with others.

Decades of regional conflicts have left deep scars on the hearts of many among whom we serve. Pray for spiritual and emotional healing as people hear God’s truth through trauma healing workshops and other encounters with Him in His Word.

Our team here continues to expand and launch new projects among least-reached people groups despite renewed political conflict. Pray that God will continue opening doors and providing the needed personnel and funds.

Living and serving in this region is both rewarding and challenging. Pray that God will sustain, protect, and empower our personnel, especially in this season of instability.
Pray that North Africa will become a region wholly transformed by God.

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