December 21 – 27

Christ’s Coming 

As much of the world celebrates Christmas this week, please join Pioneer Bible Translators in praying that the message of Christ’s first coming will transform the world in anticipation of His return.

“The people walking in darkness have seen a great light.” (Isaiah 9:2a)
Pray that every manifestation of darkness will be dispelled by the light of Christ.

Many people among whom we serve have never even heard Christ’s name. Pray that the light of His glory will shine in these places so that He is revealed in ways they can comprehend and embrace.

Many others among whom we serve have heard Christ’s name only in derogatory contexts. Pray that the light of His truth will shine in these places so that the lies they believe will be exposed and destroyed.

Pray that every member of our worldwide team will faithfully honor Christ’s coming in every aspect of their lives.

“For to us a child is born, … and He will be called ‘Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.’” (Isaiah 9:6)
Pray that the significance of the birth that we celebrate today will become known throughout the world.

Pray that every Christ follower around the world will live the truth of “Emmanuel, God with us” as they go about their daily lives and as they testify of Him to family and friends.
We desire for every person on earth to encounter Jesus as Savior and Lord. Pray
for the transformation of every Bibleless, churchless people group.

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