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September 3 – 9

Strategic Prayer Focus

Prayer is foundational to every aspect of Pioneer Bible Translators’ worldwide ministry. Please join us in praying for these strategic requests.

We are currently meeting Bible translation needs for people who speak 73 different languages. Pray that God will enable us to be serving in 76 by the end of this year.

Believers among people groups we serve in Siberia face opposition and persecution. Pray that they will continue to speak God’s Word with boldness despite these difficulties. Pray that many others will be drawn to God through their interactions with these believers and with our personnel.     

Pray that God will add personnel to our team in Siberia to meet translation needs and to serve in Scripture impact and other complementary ministries.      

Pray that God will enable the completion of the full Bible in Toma and another language spoken in West Africa.   

Our legal team helps assure our compliance with regulatory requirements in North America and overseas. Pray that they will navigate well today’s increasingly complex legal climates.     

Pray that our personnel worldwide will rely so completely on the Holy Spirit that we will be known for our love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.     
We desire to see transformed lives through God’s Word in every language. Pray for our entire team as we serve every day toward the fulfillment of this vision.

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