Sunday Pray that Pioneer Bible Translators personnel will be strengthened through the power of God’s Spirit at work in their lives.
Monday Pray that they will be fully aware of the Holy Spirit’s power in every aspect of their existence, both in their conscious thoughts and in their innermost feelings.
Tuesday Pray that they will consciously respond to Christ’s indwelling presence every day and that their faith in Him will be strong and vibrant regardless of their circumstances.
Wednesday Pray that every thought they have and every action they take will flow from deeply rooted love.
Thursday Pray that through the power of His indwelling Spirit they will grasp what is beyond human comprehension: the width and length and height and depth of Christ’s unconditional love for them. Pray that they will revel in this lavish love and freely share it with others.
Friday Pray that their lives will be “filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.” Saturday Pray that their lives will always bring glory to God. |