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October 8 – 14

Southeast Asia


Pioneer Bible Translators serves in a nation in Southeast Asia where the majority follow another religion. Your prayers for our personnel and the people we serve are vital.

More than 500 language groups here are Bibleless. Pray that God will raise up expatriate and local personnel who will partner together to help meet this vast need.     

Developing strategies for completing the task here requires great wisdom. Pray that we will be Spirit-led in every decision we make.  

Two families have recently begun serving one unreached people group here. Pray for God’s blessing and wisdom as they, our leadership, and key people in their new community make crucial ministry-related decisions.      

Other team members have committed to serving other unreached people groups. Pray for open doors and clear direction as they continue their preparations.     

One team member is coordinating an easy-to-read translation of the Old Testament in the national language. Pray that God will raise up the right personnel to assist with this translation.  

We have completed and are now testing a set of heart-language oral Bible stories for an unreached people group. Pray that these stories will be well received by followers of the majority religion. Pray that hearing these stories will foster interest in learning more. 
Obtaining visas that enable our personnel to live and serve here is challenging, often requiring team members to leave the country periodically to obtain new visas. Pray that God will provide each team a viable solution for longterm visas that allow them to fulfill ministry goals.

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