This publication offers daily prayer opportunities for you and our other prayer partners. View this email in your browser

June 18 – 24

Personnel Returning to the Field


Returning to the field after home assignment can be stressful physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Your prayers help our personnel navigate these transitions well.

Pray for sustaining grace as they say good-bye to family and friends. Pray for their children as they part with people, possessions, and pets that have become special to them.    

Pray that they will have safe and pleasant travel and that both they and all their luggage will reach their destination. Pray for special awareness of God’s presence each time they encounter the unexpected.

Pray for smooth navigation of the practical details of setting up their home again, restocking needed food and supplies, and repairing whatever has deteriorated in their absence.  

Pray for sweet reunions with friends and neighbors in their host community as well as their teammates. Pray for comfort as they grieve the absence of friends who died or moved away during their absence.    

Pray that their children will be keenly aware of God’s loving presence as they readjust to their overseas home and during times of longing to be back in their other home.

Pray that they will quickly settle into routines that enable them to be effective servants. Pray that families teaching their children at home will quickly settle into patterns that enable them to do school well. 
Pray for victory as they struggle in the face of deep spiritual needs and the challenges of living and serving in their host community.