This publication offers daily prayer opportunities for you and our other prayer partners. View this email in your browser

January 21 ­– 27

Newly Arrived Personnel

Pioneer Bible Translators has personnel who have recently begun their first term of cross-cultural ministry and many others who will do so in the coming months. We invite you to pray for them in these strategic ways.

Pray that their first weeks in their new home will be filled with positive experiences and impressions on which to build solid relationships with and love for the people they serve.   

Pray that their language and cultural fluency will grow steadily along with their confidence as learners. Pray that they will not feel overwhelmed during moments of not understanding what they hear and see.

Pray that they will recognize periods of culture stress and look to the Lord to carry them through. Pray that their teammates will be sources of much-needed encouragement during these times.

Pray for healthy, nurturing relationships with their teammates and with members of the larger expatriate community.   

Pray that God will enable them to quickly begin establishing relationships within the community of people that they desire to serve.

Pray that their children will adapt well to their new home. Pray that they will form healthy relationships with adults and other children within their team and with members of their host community.  
Pray that they will be sustained through moments of disappointment and discouragement by their vision of seeing lives transformed by God’s powerful Word.

Special Prayer Requests

With deep sadness we write to inform you that Richard Ingram, Pioneer Bible Translators’ Director of Information Technology, passed away on Wednesday, January 3, following a heart attack. Richard and his wife Josi have served with Pioneer Bible Translators since September, 2008. We invite you to pray with us: 

  • Pray for God’s comfort, peace, and provision for Josi as she begins a new chapter of life and ministry without her husband of 40+ years.
  • Pray that God will empower our IT team to respond well both to immediate needs and to longer term ones. Pray also for protection from system failures, cyber attacks, and every other threat to the IT services on which our worldwide team depends.
  • Pray that God will add the right new people to our IT team. 

Richard’s obituary can be viewed at Gifts to assist Josi in meeting personal expenses may be given at Gifts to Pioneer Bible Translators designated for Josi’s ongoing ministry with us may be given at

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