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February 11 – 17

Global Partnerships


Fulfilling the Great Commission is the responsibility of the church worldwide. Pioneer Bible Translators is mobilizing churches in other countries to recruit, equip, send, and care for Bible translators, church planters, and other personnel to participate in the shared vision of seeing churches using Scripture to grow, mature, and multiply in every language group still needing it by the year 2050.

We envision a fellowship of autonomous, self-determining sending agencies that choose to unite around our shared vision. Pray that each partner agency will embrace Pioneer Bible Translators’ core values and implement them in locally appropriate ways.    

Pioneer Bible Translators agencies now exist in the U.S., Canada, Ukraine, Brazil, and the Philippines. Pray that we will work interdependently.

Pray for supernaturally clear communication that overcomes cultural differences. Pray that teammates from different cultural backgrounds will serve together harmoniously.    

Pray that God will open doors for teammates from other countries to serve Bibleless people groups in places where North Americans cannot live and gain cultural acceptance.    

Pray that our North American personnel will interact with our partners with humility that defies our Western tendencies.

We often partner with other groups that have shared or complementary goals. Pray that God will enable these strategic partnerships to continue on behalf of unreached people.   
Pray that through these cooperative global partnerships more and more language groups will have access to God’s Word.

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