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December 3 – 9

Field Personnel During Holidays

The upcoming Christmas season offers unique opportunities for our cross-cultural ministry teams. Your prayers can help enable them to joyfully celebrate and testify of God’s great love.

Our personnel may experience times of intense longing to be with family and close friends at Christmas and in the weeks leading up to it. Pray that God will sustain them through moments of homesickness.

Contact with family and close friends can help our personnel be a part of “back home” holiday celebrations. Pray for sweet times of connecting via phone and internet.     

Family “back home” can intensely grieve the absence of their loved ones who are serving overseas. Pray that God will comfort them, too, as they connect with each other.   

Children may especially miss the activities that made past Christmas celebrations memorable to them. Pray that their families can duplicate some of their traditions and create new ones to make this season in their host country equally memorable.   

It is easy to focus more on what we are missing than on what we have. Pray that our personnel will feel and display God-honoring gratitude for His abundant blessings.    

Many places where our personnel serve know Christmas only as a secular holiday. Pray for opportunities to share the message of why we celebrate.     
Jesus’ coming provides our model and motive for cross-cultural ministry. Pray that our personnel will look to Him for strength, comfort, and peace as they share His love with Bibleless, churchless people groups.

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