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December 24 – 30

Give Thanks  

God has given Pioneer Bible Translators much reason to praise Him as we reflect on this past year. Please join in thanking God for the growth and impact He has granted in answer to the faithful prayers of His people.

Give thanks for new translations begun this year and for doors that are opening to serve even more Bibleless people groups in 2018. Give thanks for opportunities to begin meeting needs for visual translations for Deaf communities around the world.

Give thanks for the Scriptures that were published and distributed this year in print, audio, and electronic formats. Give thanks for people’s hunger to read, hear, and interact with these Scriptures.

Give thanks for churches and disciple-making movements among formerly churchless people groups. Give thanks that churches are using heart-language Scripture to grow, mature, and multiply.    

Give thanks for the global growth of Pioneer Bible Translators. Give thanks for our global partners in Europe, Asia, and South America.     

Give thanks for protecting our personnel, especially those in places experiencing ethnic conflict and political instability.

Give thanks for additional office space at our International Service Center. Give thanks for providing our new prayer tower as a place of praise and petition on behalf of our worldwide ministry.
Give thanks for God’s empowerment in fulfilling our vision of transformed lives through God’s Word in every language.

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