Tom and I worked all day, preparing for him to go, finishing up things around the house he needs to do, and various other things.

We have tomorrow to celebrate our 42nd anniversary, and then he leaves Wed. In a couple of weeks he celebrates his birthday.

Please allow me just a moment to tell you a little about him.

He married me and has been a loving, faithful husband and father. When we met I had a precious little boy I had in high school. Dustin and I were dirt poor and there were times we had very little to eat. As soon as I met Tom, he sacrificed, not only his time but his money, which he had very little of also. He went without eating so we could. He unconditionally loved me and my son and made him his own soon after we were married. We had Jed a year later. He has sacrificed a lot for his family.

He preached in churches for 40 years. Nothing was beneath him and he was always available to everyone. He could talk with the most learned or walk with those in poverty. Everyone is valuable to him.

He endured a lot in his years as pulpit minister, but his faith never, ever, ever wavered. I mean – NEVER! There have been many rough times, being fired from a church, loss of relationships, but then I will find him in the Bible, praying and serving. I know he learned that from his parents who were an elder and both Sunday school teachers.

Our sons married and we have 10 beautiful grandchildren, one is in heaven.

He has lost co-workers to death, one during the ebola crisis, two to murder. 3 different countries. His faith never wavered.

He’s an introvert and not flashy at all, but if you need him – just call…he’s always there. He would give anyone the shirt off of his back.

He preaches the gospel unashamedly and is THE best Bible teacher I’ve ever know. And preacher too. I miss hearing him preach.

We chose to do this work and there are times it’s hard…but many times that it’s made very easy when we receive pictures of baptisms, or see the smiles of people receiving grant money to start a business, or other life-changing events.

To say that he is my best friend would be an understatement.

He has gotten knocked down a lot but his faith in God sustains him.

Thanks for listening……we greatly appreciate and treasure your prayers, notes, financial giving, you.


"In His name the nations will put their hope." Matthew 12:21