Do not remember the former things, nor consider the things of old. 
Behold, I will do a new thing, Now it shall spring forth;
Shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness
and rivers in the desert. (Isaiah 43:18-19)


WINS IN 2017
  1. Provided financial support for 48 Polish nationals.
  2. Provided additional funds for Polish churches and pastors (transportation, generator for street ministry, children’s outreaches, coal for winter, etc.)
  3. Provided financial support for nine church building projects.
  4. 290 baptisms amongst the Polish Christian churches.
  5. 90 first-time decisions for Christ at Ostroda Camp
  6. 102 musicians in CSM being equipped and trained as worship leaders.
  7. 15 US churches/groups (90 individuals) came to Poland and served in 11 initiatives.
  8. 13 leadership sessions with Polish church leaders.
  9. 28 US churches visited by PCM to share about the work in Poland.
  10. Helped with a new church plant in the Bemowo district of Warsaw (Warsaw West).
The Hosanna church in Lublin, Poland, has a vibrant and effective street ministry going on in their city. PCM recently had the opportunity to assist in this outreach by purchasing a generator to use on the streets. We pray for more and more lives to be touched by the power and love of God through Hosanna Lublin’s “Street Church” initiative.

  1. Provide financial support for 49 Polish nationals in 29 churches and 4 ministries.
  2. Assist new church plants in Warsaw, Dzialdowo, and Garwolin.
  3. Provide US internships for Polish interns (targeting Indianapolis churches in 2018).
  4. Provide financial support for five building/renovation projects ($175,000).
  5. Provide leadership training in 7 Polish churches.
  6. Build friendships between US and Polish churches through short term teams, increased prayer, and regular correspondence.
7. Visit 26 US churches to tell the story of PCM in Poland (including 5 new churches)
8. Assist CSM in providing worship resources for the churches in Poland.


As of December 31, PCM has received $99,071 toward our targeted amount of $175,000 in our building projects fund. These funds go toward building and renovation projects currently underway in our Polish churches.
Please join us in praying and consider making a donation so the needed funds will be in hand by the end of 2018. We are thankful for the growth occurring in several of our churches. We trust God to provide so that His church will continue to grow and reach out to the people of Poland.

Please present these requests before our faithful God throughout 2018 on behalf of Polish Christian Ministries …
...spiritual encouragement and fresh vision for each of our pastors as they faithfully lead their congregations in making Jesus known to their communities.
…Polish people to come to faith in Jesus and become part of His Church.
…God-connections to happen between US and Polish churches
…a fresh revelation of Jesus to be experienced by Polish ministry workers on all levels
…safety in journey as David and Sandy travel in the US and Poland

If your church is interested in having PCM come to your congregation in 2018,
please contact David at or call him at 810-923-0226.

All donations to Polish Christian Ministries
should be sent to: 1212 Schucks Rd., Bel Air, MD 21015  
All contributors tax receipts for 2017 will be sent out this month. Thank you!
Donations may also be made via our website: Click on: Ways to Give
PCM Office: 410-688-3294
Dave Hatfield: 810-923-0226 (US iPhone) (48) 578 496 569 (PL iPhone)
         Polish Christian Ministries | 410-688-3294 | |