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Pioneer Bible Translators

Daily Prayer Guide

December 1 – 7

Strategic Prayer Focus

Prayer is foundational to every aspect of Pioneer Bible Translators’ worldwide ministry. Please join us in praying for these strategic requests.

Pray that God will grant perfect unity of purpose and heart within our team.

We desire to see churches outside North America involved in reaching the Bible-less. Pray that God will empower us to mobilize these churches to send workers into the harvest fields.

Our team in Papua New Guinea needs technical services personnel to oversee construction projects and general maintenance. Pray that God will send the right people to serve in this vital way.

New Testaments in six languages spoken in East Africa will soon be ready for publication. Pray that God will continue preparing the hearts of those who will receive them. 

Financial resources are essential to our ministry. Pray that God will prompt a generous outpouring in year-end giving on behalf of the Bible-less people we serve. Pray specifically that He will provide the remaining $1.7 million needed to fully fund ourWithin Our Reach campaign.

The need for IT services both at our International Service Center and on the field continues to grow. Pray that God will raise up qualified men and women to meet each need.
Pray that God will empower us in each of our 62 translation projects so that each one will result in networks of churches using Scripture to grow, mature, and multiply.

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