Dear Friends and Family,

Christmas greetings! There is so much of the “rest of the story” behind this eUpdate. I am thankful for these moments with a cover letter for sharing more than is room for in this issue. This has been a year of events and we have only now caught our breath from spending the month of November in the States. We had twelve flights with four in and out of Chicago—in November, without problems?? We are grateful for the travel mercies of our Lord.


As emphasized in the update, the main purpose of our travel to the States this year was to take opportunity to be on the platform of the International Conference of Missions (ICOM) in Peoria, Illinois. This would be the CAPSTONE of celebrating Osaka Bible Seminary’s 80th Anniversary which began with events from the Founder’s Day Lectureship in April.  Of particular significance is how this marks a line in the sand between generations. Presently, Japan is seeing the post-war-born generation coming into their own (current Prime Minister is first post-war-born as will be the new Emperor next May). In that sense it is a new Japan—a secularized Japan and more open than she has ever been to the Gospel. It is significant that myself, as a missionary, and Brother Nakano, an OBS graduate, became the transition from our post-war OBS leadership to our now post-war-born leadership. For President Kishimoto to be able to express a word of gratitude before the ICOM assembly for the long support of individuals and congregations of America was a mark in Church history.


Complementing the above at ICOM was  my being taken by total surprise at the Lincoln Christian University reception with the presentation of  the Restoration Award by Lincoln Christian University from the hands of dear personal friends, Lynn Laughlin and President Don Green. My father was never so honored. I am humbled and proud for my Lincoln Christian University for honoring me. Through various conversations among ourselves, we had been awed at the networking of lives and ministries over the years that have contributed to what God has done in Japan. In honoring me, what God has done through generations of faithful brothers and sisters and supporters “together” (ICOM’s theme) has been recognized—especially Dad Clark. Japan, for different reasons, not the least being minimal results, has received minimal accolades.


We have been so thankful for the “behind the scenes” work of Brother Lynn Laughlin in enabling our KCS graduate Yu Yamada with his studies at LCU. It was a privilege to have OBS President Kishimoto address the undergraduate chapel with Yu translating for him—one could hardly tell who was doing the preaching and who was doing the translating!


As noted at the beginning of our update, the timeliness of ICOM afforded us the opportunity to be with two supporting congregations and also visiting what had been our home congregation while living in Lincoln—Jefferson Street Christian Church. These were marked experiences of encouragement with friends and supporters.


I have advertised this as a “busman’s holiday”; while so full of people, speaking and events, it also afforded us the time to be with family in Illinois, in Missouri as well as in California for Thanksgiving. It was also special to have Jocelyn with us at ICOM, but more, two of our grandchildren who continue to take seriously serving their Lord in the future being able to attend workshops. (I should also add that with LCU students attending ICOM en masse, Yu was also with us at ICOM.)


Now you have another full page of reading—this one without pictures.

May you bless the Lord with a servant’s heart during this Christmas season.

Unto Him,

Paul (and Rickie) Clark

Osaka, Japan