Dear prayer partners,

Thank you so much for lifting us up in prayer over the past couple of weeks!  My trips to Bogotá went well and most items on my “to do” list were checked off.   The first trip up I went on Tuesday (November 4) and returned on Thursday. This was to deal with official duties as the current President and Legal Representative of the association of churches we work with here in Colombia.  There were a couple of roadblocks, but we took care of them on my return last week.

My second trip went well as well.  Travel was on Monday, November 10, so as to be there in time for a business meeting with the board of directors on Tuesday.  Most of the brethren in the board were able to join us and we had a productive meeting planning the upcoming convention for February of next year as well as taking care of some business necessary for our legal status before the Colombian government.  During the week, besides various tasks dealing with the paperwork we will be submitting, it was my pleasure to visit congregations in Soacha, Normandía and El Paraíso, two of which I’d never been able to visit before and I was invited to preach twice. It was great to meet different people from the various congregations as well as spending time with the leaders talking about a wide variety of topics of interest in helping the churches to mature and grow.  It was also a blessing to see how well our Colombian co-workers are doing in their various ministries.

Yesterday, November 17, was a holiday.  This made the return to Pereira much easier.  The time of departure was 6:15 a.m.  Due to the holiday the streets were relatively empty, unlike usual work days when the traffic starts backing up much earlier.  The low traffic density held out for almost the entire trip, allowing for a much shorter motorcycle ride than usual.  By 11:05 a.m. I was home in Pereira over an hour earlier than I’d expected.  The relatively empty highway from Ibagué up over La Linea pass allowed for some very enjoyable riding conditions, especially since the day was dry and the skies only partly cloudy.  A larger bike would have been nice, but the short framed XL200 did its job and I’m glad to be home!

The guys here in Pereira all stepped up to fill in the gaps while I was gone.  What a joy to see how they are maturing and allowing the Lord to use them in ministry!

Once more, thanks for the praying for me and Sheri and the church during these travels. Thank you for making it possible for us to live and work here in Colombia.

In Christ,

Paul and Sheri Moreland


South American Christian Mission
“… to prepare the saints…”
Ephesians 4:12