Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

As Sheri and I are preparing for our upcoming visit to the U.S. to report to our supporters and reconnect with our widespread family, we are also updating our address book.  Over the years people move, change phone numbers, dump email addresses and otherwise end up difficult to connect with.  As we travel we like to stop by and visit with folks who would like us to stop by and visit a bit.  If you fit this description, please drop us an email with your current address and phone number so we can update our address book and see who all we can say “Howdy!” to as we travel.  This year it looks like we will be visiting or passing through the following states as we travel.  We’re still working out when we’ll be where as churches confirm speaking dates with us, so we’re not sure exactly when we’ll be where for the most part.  As travel plans firm up we’ll update our rough schedule and travel route and let you know when we’ll be in your area.

Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Idaho, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Oregon, Texas (panhandle), Utah, Washington, Wyoming

Yep, that’s a lot of states, but is representative of how spread out our support base is and includes a quick visit to California at some point to visit our son Timothy and his wife.

Anyway, if you’d like to have us drop by for a cup of coffee (or other beverage) and a chat, drop us an email with up to date contact information and we’ll do our best to work in a visit when we’re in town or passing nearby.  Once we reach the U.S. we’ll obtain a SW Missouri cell phone number and will be reachable that way.  We’ll be sure to pass the information along once we have it.

In Christ,

Paul and Sheri Moreland


South American Christian Mission
“… to prepare the saints…”
Ephesians 4:12