June 15, 2014

Father’s day – a phrase that means different things to different people.  Today I’m reminded that on this date in 1993 my own earthly father was called home by his Lord and Savior.  June 15th therefore stands out in my mind.  The night before Dad’s last words to me were “I’m not going to be around long, I can hear the Lord calling me.” His legacy of love for God and His Word was passed on to my brothers and sisters and myself and we all do what we can to pass this love on to others.

In just a little while Sheri and I will be heading out of town for a mini-vacation. She does not have to teach this week and we are taking the chance to get away for a much needed bit of rest. However, upon our return we’ll hit the ground running!

Some of you may remember Sara, a young woman who spent a few months with us in ’09 prior to our trip to the U.S..  We’ve known her and her younger sister Carolina since they were small children, just younger than our own sons when we first arrived to live in Colombia.  Their youngest sister, Laura, has been having a lot of difficulties.  Something that her sister said stuck with her and she has been asking her parents for permission to come spend some time with us.  She is just 13 and has been going through a difficult time.  Please pray with us as we open our home to her on Thursday of this week.

Laura will be arriving right on time to join us at youth camp.  At this point in time we do not have a youth minister, so we fill in along with our other duties.  This means that we will be the sponsors for the group of kids from Pereira.  Now, with Laura, we’ll have 9 youth and two sponsors. Thanks to the generosity of one of our supporting congregations we’ll be able to pay for the transportation for the kids, most of whom are doing their best just to come up with the cost of the camp.  Please keep us in your prayers as we head to the state of Antioquia to the camp there and as we return.  We’ll be leaving June 20 and returning, the Good Lord willing, on June 23.

Thank you for being a part of our prayer team.  Thank you for making it possible for us to live and work here in Pereira.

In Christ,

Paul and Sheri Moreland


South American Christian Mission
“… to prepare the saints…”
Ephesians 4:12