Dear Pakistan Prayer Team,

Thanks is too small a word to convey my appreciation for the fervent prayers that you offered on behalf of Laura and me as I served our Lord in Pakistan.
Thank you for your careful attention and quick response to Laura’s updates.
Your prayers were integral to the effectiveness of the trip: God gave me virtually instant rapport with the Christians there; he blessed my teaching helping me to communicate clearly and effectively; and he threw open a door to reach many thousands through a Christian cable TV network (and maybe more).
Laura and I experienced peace and protection because of your faithful prayers.  We both experienced safe travel due to your prayer.  Our King received great glory through the trip & I appreciate your continued prayer for a spiritual revival – leading to the conversion of many souls (including Muslims) in Pakistan.
My heart is filled with gratitude for your faithful, fervent and continuous prayer.  May our Lord bless you richly.
for Jesus’ sake, Tom
Laura told you that we would send you a report and pictures… more on the way, later

“In His name the nations will put their hope.” Matthew 12:21