February, 2015
To Friends and Family,                           
As you have heard, we are back in the states.  Health is the main reason for our return.  The mission still goes forward.  The only change is we will be stationed in the states and God has called us to short-term (3 weeks to 3 months) work.
This year we will be taking care of our health concerns and going to all the conventions we can to talk to all churches that have or are or can support churches in the Caribbean.  Missouri State Convention, NACC and ICOM are three of the big ones we plan to attend.  We want to keep the Caribbean’s needs in the forefront of the supporters.     
As you know, we work under Global Church Growths umbrella.  This program does not seem to work as written in most of the Caribbean.  So we have had to modify it for Caribbean work.  It does work well for those in the states.  So, after dealing with health issues and conventions, we will also be going out stateside and working with Michael Householder of Global Church Growth, this year and into the future.
About to those health issues.  Orvel’s left knee is in need of surgery and that will take some time as we must go thru the Obama Care procedures.  We have already started that process.  One reason surgery has been delayed till July is that we hope to attend our granddaughter’s graduation the end of May.  Dr felt this time of year would give maximum recovery time and not interfere with Conventions we planned to attend.  Orvel also needs to deal with an elevated PSA count.  Kandi is being scheduled for a breast biopsy at this present time. We are praying it is nothing as the Dr. could not even feel it.   Kandi also has chronic sinus troubles and needs to get back on allergy shots to control the constant sinus infections she is having. This could not be done for five years while we were in Barbados.  Your continued prayers, for our health, and strength, to continue to do God’s work are appreciated.
Next year we have been called to Guyana in February, and to Antigua and Barbados in which the dates are yet to be confirmed.  Many islands were hesitant to call us away from Barbados.  Here we have no ties and can go anywhere.   Whenever we are in the states, we will be working with Michael Householder also.  That could include other international trips, as he is also working in Cuba. The mission will keep moving on until God calls us home.
Please consider partnering and funding God’s work in the Caribbean.  The direct expenses to the mission are newsletters, postage, mission supplies and travel expenses (tickets, gas, hotel, food, etc.) and international travel insurance.  We take care of our own day by day housing and living expenses from our personal retirement.
 Therefore, all things we leave in God’s and your hands.
We want to thank everyone for your generous support and faithful prayers in the five years we were in Barbados and pray that this relationship will continue.
If you have any  questions please do not hesitate to call (417-283-2066) or email o.griff@yahoo.com.
With Sincerest Gratitude
Orvel & Kandi Griffith
Orvel & Kandi Griffith
Global Church Growth
Southeast Caribe Mission
PO Box 157
Nevada, MO 64772
Home address:     501 N West St
                                Nevada, MO 6477


Phone:                   417-283-2066